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Ada Perempuan Hamil, Lift Berisi 6 Orang Ini Jatuh dari Lantai 95

Hikmah - Rabu, 21 November 2018 | 13:00
Rescue workers from the Ottawa Fire Department work to free 16 people trapped in an elevator between the second and third floors of the Capital Hill Hotel and Suites in Ottawa, Ontario on January 18, 2007.  The elevator had become stuck due to overcrowding.
Bari Shiva Mayer

Rescue workers from the Ottawa Fire Department work to free 16 people trapped in an elevator between the second and third floors of the Capital Hill Hotel and Suites in Ottawa, Ontario on January 18, 2007. The elevator had become stuck due to overcrowding.

Lift tersebut akhirnya berhenti, dan terjebak di lantai 11.

Para petugas dari satuan pemadam kebakaran pun datang untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang yang terjebak di dalam lift.

Rescue workers from the Ottawa Fire Department work to free 16 people trapped in an elevator between the second and third floors of the Capital Hill Hotel and Suites in Ottawa, Ontario on January 18, 2007.  The elevator had become stuck due to overcrowding.
Bari Shiva Mayer

Rescue workers from the Ottawa Fire Department work to free 16 people trapped in an elevator between the second and third floors of the Capital Hill Hotel and Suites in Ottawa, Ontario on January 18, 2007. The elevator had become stuck due to overcrowding.

Untuk menuju lantai 11, petugas bahkan membobol tembok mulai dari area parkir mobil sampai 10 lantai ke atas.

Hingga kini, lift tersebut dan dua lift lainnya tidak dioperasikan untuk sementara waktu agar dapat diperbaiki.

Baca Juga : Berdinding Kaca Transparan, Kamar Mandi Umum Ini Berada di Alam Terbuka

Petugas yang berwenang pun masih melakukan penyelidikan mengenai penyebab kejadian tersebut. (*)

Editor : Maulina Kadiranti

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